Key Tasks:
1) Conduct safe static line and freefall parachute operations during training and at Airshows and commemorative events.
2) Maintain and build rapport with Veterans, the local communities we serve and other Veteran organizations and Jump Teams.
3) Source, plan and execute multiple Airborne Operations annually (Basic and Refresher Airborne Courses, Airshows, Currency Jumps, Normandy).
4) Expand Veteran and family outreach programs to include active participation in Airborne training through sponsorship, donations, and grants.
5) Maintain Letter of Authorization (LOA) from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
6) Maintain our 501(c)(3) non-profit status.
By working diligently to fulfill each of our stated missions and objectives, the Liberty Jump Team will be operating long into the future.
End State:
1) Members: Members feel valued and are part of a family. Members flock to events to share the common bonds felt from military service. Members provide suggestions and solutions and help plan, source, and execute events.
2) BOD: Sources events and encourages maximum participation in all aspects of team operations. Maintains transparency and open communication with the membership. Is a good steward of team funds to ensure organizational longevity. Sources donations and grants to support Veteran Programs.
3) Community: Community is educated on the historical sacrifices of Veterans and their family members. Community leaders and local populations participate in LJT events to support Veterans and their family members.
4) Veterans: Through team activities, Veterans make friends, build connections and are a part of a team. Veterans can better handle stress, lower their rates of anxiety and depression, and improve their overall wellness. Veteran programs are extended to Airborne operations and family members.